At the time I had a more limited budget, and hadn’t quite embraced the quality over quantity mantra, I recall that this purchase felt like quite an investment for me! Looking back at the majority of the other clothes I purchased that year, its clear that I didn’t really have any kind of definitive style, I didn’t know myself particularly well, and as a result I made a lot of random purchases and lots of mistakes. So the fact that I still love this coat, and wear it 4 years on is quite the miracle. (As an aside, I have kept a record of every item I’ve bought starting in 2006 and it makes fascinating reading. I think my crazy shopping habits deserve a post of their own though so I’ll come back to this later!).
So back to my grey coat, I still love it and get a lot of wear out of it, and despite a little bit of wear to the wool on the inner sleeves, I think I can probably get at least another years wear out of it. My navy coat on the other hand is still in pretty good condition as I’ve only had it for 2 years but I’m not keen on the style, it feels too ladylike and ‘twee’ and isn’t really in keeping with the look I’m trying to achieve these days. Something that’s been on my wishlist for the last year or so is a wool peacoat, as inspired by the lovely Michelle Williams, so now I’m leaning towards buying one in navy.
I’ve put together three that I like in Polyvore, so far I’ve only been able to try one of these on (Kew – bottom left) and I hope to try the Whistles (top left) one on today. Not sure if I will be able to try the Paul and Joe (bottom right) one on, but I will keep it in mind if neither of the others work.

Posting potential purchases on this blog is really helping me to slow down and stop and consider whether I really need it. If I really want to achieve a minimalist wardrobe, where every item is loved and well worn then this how it needs to be from now on, no more rash, impulsive decisions.
Cool Blog! Very Impressed! I love how you make less into more. :)